After an action on an invoice, reload the same list page
Steve Verlinden
Planned mid-term (during 2021)
Steve Verlinden
Merged in a post:
Remember prefered order
Kévin Rapaille
Hello Steve,
The default order by of the table doesn't fit to me. Is it possible to remember my last order by when I come back to the page ?
Thanks <3
Steve Verlinden
Hello, thanks for the feedback, I merge this one with because sort order will be saved with all other filters when this feedback will be implemented.
Steve Verlinden
under review
Didier Toussaint
+1! I do the same as Romain: open documents in new tabs, but sometimes I forget to do so and have to refilter again
Romain Carlier
+1! We also have a hard time going back and forth between single invoices and the list when we edit a lot of invoices. For now, we're opening the documents in a new tab, but a way of keeping our search terms / filters would be nice.